Organisation: UN
Bush is right
Shock tactics to get your attention. I know it sounds unlikely. But really, he is. He is calling for a "new framework" to replace the Kyoto Treaty (which comes to an end in 2012). David Miliband helpfully clarified on Radio 4's -The World…
International disinterestedness
What do the following have in common? The top 16 in the Eurovision Song Contest consist of 14 former communist-block countries, plus Greece and Turkey. As usual, regional block-voting dominated the outcome. Zimbabwe was elected to head the…
Lies, damn lies and UNICEF reports
Britons have been indulging in a bout of self-flagellation over our bottom-ranking in a recent UNICEF report on childhood well-being. Each person, of course, chooses to blame the result on their personal -bête noire-. No doubt there are…