'Ere mate. Can you spare a few billion for a wind farm?
Classic example of corporate rent-seeking in the Business section of today's Sunday Times. In the past week, the Renewables Obligation (RO) Order 2009 has been passed. This converts the previously (roughly) technology-neutral RO into a…
Disintegrating our oligopolies
Privatisation became the totem of the 1980s efforts to move our economies away from the disastrous, increasing socialism of the previous century and more. I propose that the equivalent focus of policy that is needed today should be…
How government stimulus works
My company is in a very immature sector. It is probably not an exaggeration to say that no company in the sector is making a profit at the moment. Those of us in the business are ploughing money into it in the belief that it will become…
The Jury Team
Sir Paul Judge was on Andrew Marr's show this morning, promoting his new party of independents, the Jury Team. I have posted the following on their website: -If I vote for my local Jury Team/Independent candidate at the next election, what…
Hot air on green gas
For numerous reasons (some set out on other posts on this site), heat is a huge, vital, yet ignored sector of our energy systems. It is responsible for nearly half the carbon emissions from the energy sector. It is the reason we are so…
EU economics: boost the economy by using today's money to pay for white elephants in five years' time
Attention focused on the renewables component of Obama's stimulus plan today. But the Americans aren't the only ones using the credit crunch as an excuse to plough vast sums of public money into their pet projects. The European Commission…
Make work doesn't work
Charles Steele has posted a brilliant, accessible explanation on his Unforeseen Contingencies blog of why the stimulus and "make work" plans of most of the major governments are based on bad economics. I can't do it justice in a sentence…
Scottish pots and Swiss kettles
Gordon Brown wants us to make a mental connection in some way between our financial troubles and the competitive tax regimes in countries like Switzerland. I have just come back from Switzerland, where we are looking at investing. The…
Killed by state greenery
Bishop Hill has a shocking exposure of how local government in the fire-hit regions of Australia prevented locals from taking actions that would have reduced the risk to their properties and lives. However, a word of caution. There will be…
The 1920s - the previous NICE decade
John Prescott has just repeated, on -Newsnight-, the Labour party's favourite myth, barely challenged by the opposition, media or academia. According to the myth, the Labour government ran the economy successfully for the decade preceding…
"Do nothing" conservatives
We might have done nothing. That would have been utter ruin. Instead we met the situation with proposals to private business and to Congress of the most gigantic program of economic defense and counterattack ever evolved in the history of…
UFOs, apocalyptic visions, and the EU Emissions Trading Scheme
Prices in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS) have hit new lows in Phase 2 (just over €10/tCO2). The mechanism became worthless in Phase 1. It looks likely to do the same in Phase 2 (as some of us predicted). It is not providing…